Detachment Resources

The Tools to Succeed: Focusing on Building the "Whole Person"

Along with our commitment to academic success, we care deeply about developing well-balanced officers who excel in all facets of their personhood. There are many resources available to enable cadet success.


  • Computers for cadet use, all with current Microsoft Office software
  • Networked laser printers, with free printing for all cadets (one of the only places on campus with free printing)
  • Dedicated "Study Tables" hours with professional tutoring services paid for by the Detachment, four nights per week
  • Within easy walking distance to several Ohio State libraries and the Academic Core


  • Ideally situated between the Recreation and Physical Activities Center and Jesse Owens North recreation centers


  • Close to several dorm towers, dining facilities and off-campus apartment complexes
  • Shared academic majors and minors between many cadets provide ready-made study groups

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